Tuesday 10 May 2011

The story continues

And so I have come to the final week of working at my current company, whereafter I will be starting at my new company which is far closer to home, which in turn would also save a lot on expenses for me.
In addition to starting at my new company, I am also going to start in my passion of studying archeology / history. As with my previous posts many people would wonder why I make such a drastic change from accounting to history?

Both in direct contradiction to the other, but are they really in contradiction?

Taken at face value accounting deals with figures, facts and being exact not really taking the human aspect into consideration, driven by capitalist fundamentals and economics. The more money you can make, the better your stature and standing.

History on the other hand deals with people, heritage and preservation. Granted that facts and figures are also considered for appropriate archeological work, but the main aspect is the exploration of the past and discovering new aspects of our civilization thereby preserving our rich heritage. Money is sometimes in constant lack as to source funding for excavations and projects because lets face it - people are more interested these days in making as much money as possible for little consideration of their past.

One reason why Gaia is in the state that she is in today.

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