When taking history as a whole, one can be forgiven for having Strauss's "Sprach Zarathustra" replaying over and over in your mind. Simple reason being that history is such an awe inspiring collection of events and all of those events flow together to make the world that we inhabit today, possible. Taking into consideration all the people that have inhabited this world, it is truly an epic tale.
History by definition is an interpretation of events, past or current, and of the people that made those events possible or their contribution to them. To this extent, history has been used as a means of opression and segregation but also of liberation and emancipation, for wars and peace, education and ignorance or just simply as an amusing story to be passed on from generation to generation - later being instilled as myth.
Every household, family, community and country have their histories that become part of the whole history of the world, even though some histories may be forgotten others persist.
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